1、 负责挖掘具有投资价值的所属地区太阳能光伏市场EPC以及投资机会,筛选目标市场长期合作伙伴;
Explore investment opportunities on valuable local solar PV market in Japan for EPC and Project development business with reasonable gross margin. Selecting long-term cooperated partners in the target market
2、 积极开发市场上项目机会, 并及时汇报开发进展以及可能项目机会列表;
Develop and maintain market intelligence, and report on activities and pipeline opportunities.
3、 负责设计项目兼并购方案,项目谈判、兼顾投融资方案设计;
Be responsible for project structure design,M&A program,project negotiation and investment and financing scheme design
4、 紧密与总部工程技术以及项目管理团队沟通、合作, 完成项目投标方案书以及竞标资料准备
Work closely with Engineering and Project Management teams in Headquarter to develop project proposals and bidding packages.
5、 负责财务模型构建、估值及回报分析、技术指标分析,提交可行性报告;
Set financial model, evaluating and return on investment analysis, technical index analysis and feasibility report.
6、 负责海外项目市场和太阳能光伏行业研究,包括项目国家政策、国内外相关税收政策等,对投资项目进行调研、论证、提交项目建议书;
Research overseas project market and solar PV, including national project policy, the domestic and foreign related tax policy. Research on investment projects, argument, and submit project proposal;
7、 负责组织实施项目尽职调查;
Organize and implement project due diligence.
8、 负责辅助实施项目公司的投融资工作;
Assist on carrying out the investment and financing work of the project company
9、 代表公司和集团参加相关太阳能行业展会, 行业会议以及各项其他活动
Represent the Company at trade show, industry conference and community events
1、 专业背景为财务、工商管理、工程技术或者法律相关本科学位或者以上
Major in finance, business management, engineering or law, bachelor degree or above;
2、 3年以上光伏行业海外项目开发经验。有固定的海外光伏项目资源。
More than 3 years of experience in overseas PV projects development. Fixed overseas resources in PV project.
3、 英语精通,听说读写能力佳,可作为工作语言。如有精通第二门外语者,优先考虑。
Proficient in English, good at listening, speaking, reading and writing, English can be used as working language. Second language proficiency is preferred
4、 熟悉电站项目前期开发、项目管理、项目投标和开发等相关知识;
Be familiar with preliminary development about power station , project management, project bidding and development and other related knowledge
5、 优秀的团队领导与管理能力,同时具备优秀的独立工作能力;
Excellent team leadership and management skills, and excellent independently working ability
6、 可适应按项目需要的不定期出差;
Able to adapt to frequent business trips according to project demand.
7、 具备良好的沟通与协调能力,计划与组织能力,抗压能力。
Good communication and coordination skills, planning and organization skills, and stress tolerance.
Explore investment opportunities on valuable local solar PV market in Japan for EPC and Project development business with reasonable gross margin. Selecting long-term cooperated partners in the target market
2、 积极开发市场上项目机会, 并及时汇报开发进展以及可能项目机会列表;
Develop and maintain market intelligence, and report on activities and pipeline opportunities.
3、 负责设计项目兼并购方案,项目谈判、兼顾投融资方案设计;
Be responsible for project structure design,M&A program,project negotiation and investment and financing scheme design
4、 紧密与总部工程技术以及项目管理团队沟通、合作, 完成项目投标方案书以及竞标资料准备
Work closely with Engineering and Project Management teams in Headquarter to develop project proposals and bidding packages.
5、 负责财务模型构建、估值及回报分析、技术指标分析,提交可行性报告;
Set financial model, evaluating and return on investment analysis, technical index analysis and feasibility report.
6、 负责海外项目市场和太阳能光伏行业研究,包括项目国家政策、国内外相关税收政策等,对投资项目进行调研、论证、提交项目建议书;
Research overseas project market and solar PV, including national project policy, the domestic and foreign related tax policy. Research on investment projects, argument, and submit project proposal;
7、 负责组织实施项目尽职调查;
Organize and implement project due diligence.
8、 负责辅助实施项目公司的投融资工作;
Assist on carrying out the investment and financing work of the project company
9、 代表公司和集团参加相关太阳能行业展会, 行业会议以及各项其他活动
Represent the Company at trade show, industry conference and community events
1、 专业背景为财务、工商管理、工程技术或者法律相关本科学位或者以上
Major in finance, business management, engineering or law, bachelor degree or above;
2、 3年以上光伏行业海外项目开发经验。有固定的海外光伏项目资源。
More than 3 years of experience in overseas PV projects development. Fixed overseas resources in PV project.
3、 英语精通,听说读写能力佳,可作为工作语言。如有精通第二门外语者,优先考虑。
Proficient in English, good at listening, speaking, reading and writing, English can be used as working language. Second language proficiency is preferred
4、 熟悉电站项目前期开发、项目管理、项目投标和开发等相关知识;
Be familiar with preliminary development about power station , project management, project bidding and development and other related knowledge
5、 优秀的团队领导与管理能力,同时具备优秀的独立工作能力;
Excellent team leadership and management skills, and excellent independently working ability
6、 可适应按项目需要的不定期出差;
Able to adapt to frequent business trips according to project demand.
7、 具备良好的沟通与协调能力,计划与组织能力,抗压能力。
Good communication and coordination skills, planning and organization skills, and stress tolerance.
职位类别: 区域销售经理
- 公司规模:1000人以上
- 公司性质:股份公司
- 所属行业:太阳能电池
- 所在地区:江苏-苏州市-常熟市
- 联系人:人力资源部
- 手机: 请在线投递
- 座机: 请在线投递
- 邮箱: 请在线投递
- 邮政编码:215500
- 地址:江苏省苏州市常熟市沙家浜镇腾晖路1号